Enjoy this excerpt from Mad Church Disease and read on after it…
As much as we may want to, we can never rid ourselves from our past – the good or the bad. And regardless of how normal or even how terrible your past might be, you have experienced those things for a reason. The successes, the failures, the joy and the pain are all beautifully woven together to make you who you are at this moment.
We should look at our past like a gift and not a burden. And as such, we should steward it like any other gift we have been given. We need to be grateful for our unique circumstances, not resentful. Once we accept our God given past, we can find out what about it makes us extraordinary.
By taking our focus off of the dysfunctions of our past, and changing it to how God can work through us using our journey as a whole – our history, our present, and our future – we are less likely to burn out. Any time we become less and He becomes more, it’s His power being perfected in us.
You can now preorder the book from Amazon here.
**A Few Facts About the Book**
- It includes questions and a study guide to help you walk through your own personal journey of healing from (or preventing) burnout.
- Several leaders contributed “Second Opinions” to the book (their own thoughts on aspects of burning out and restoration) including Bill Hybels, Wayne Cordeiro, Perry Noble, Mike Foster, Gary Kinnaman, Brandi Wilson, Matt Carter, Shawn Wood, and Craig Groeschel wrote the foreword.
- It will be somewhere right around 200 pages.
- It will be chock-full of creative artwork and design on the inside.
So all that AND more for $16.99!
Just a little over a year ago, the website for Mad Church Disease launched and people began sharing their stories..thousands of people!
If you preorder Mad Church Disease now, with Amazon, if the price goes any lower after you order it today, you will lock in the lower price (because…correct me if I’m wrong…but I don’t think it charges you until it ships, which will be February 1, 2009).
The Mad Church Disease website will be completely relaunched later this year, and will include a forum for pastors, church leaders, their families, and volunteers to dialogue and encourage each other to pursue a holy, healthy ministry.
If you would like to purchase a case (40 or more books) there is a 30% discount! Please email Anne and she will get you hooked up.
Giddy up!