After months of off and on work, we are finally ready to GO LIVE with Pastor For Life! I am sending out an email to all Pastors and Church Leaders to ask for their help in getting the word out! However, I realize you may be reading this and I do NOT have your email address.
If you like what you see here, and think it may be helpful to Pastors, may I ask for YOUR help? Would you be willing to send an email to all the Pastors you know (or people who know Pastors) to let them know about Pastor For Life?
By all means, save your time by subscribing to my rss feed to capture every post from Pastor For Life in your feed reader or news reader. I’ll do a post on this soon, as I find many Pastors have no idea what this is and the time it can save.
I would greatly appreciate it any effort you give in moving Pastor For Life to a huge level! Let’s TOGETHER Resource Pastors fro a LIFEtime of Life-Giving! For those who are willing to place us on their blogroll or link to our site, I am certainly willing to consider reciprocating. Please let me know!