Getting Our Arms Around Rick Warren’s Story
I am daily amazed and inspired at how Rick Warren is being real and yet still faith-full amidst his grief over the suicide of his […]
I am daily amazed and inspired at how Rick Warren is being real and yet still faith-full amidst his grief over the suicide of his […]
In an email from Ruth Haley Barton‘s Transforming Center, this piece resonated deeply with me. As yesterday’s US Presidential Inauguration fell on the observance of […]
In an occasional series, we’ve been addressing the issue of insecurity in leadership. Perry Noble came out today with a great list of ways you […]
It’s been a while since I’ve posted on this issue of insecurity in pastor and leaders. Recently, I read something that Mark Batterson (pastor of […]
Over on the Mars Hill Church blog, an interview with Francis Chan by Mark Driscoll and Joshua Harris was posted. It’s one of the most […]
You’ve probably heard enough about Tiger Woods’ sordid lifestyle. I have too. And I have no interest in exploiting any of it. However, I have […]
I recently read a great paper available from Leadership Network on how Pastors in their 20’s and 30’s are dealing with the stress and strain […]
What’s the difference between a Pastor and a Politician? Both are highly public figures. Both represent something larger than themselves. There are similarities that are […]
I just finished reading Churched by Matthew Paul Turner. The cover was what initially intrigued me. A close-up shot of a kid putting a tie […]
This past weekend, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro returned to the pulpit for the first time since his recent heart surgery. You can read about that here. […]